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“What Type Of People Buy A Food Trailer King Food Trailer?”

Entrepreneurial-minded people who want to earn extra cash in their own time like Shaun and Vanessa

Why? Because they’re young, know what they want in life and know that life is not going to hand it to them.

“Shaun’s the type of guy who gets bored quite easily and is a real go-getter! While many people look for a magic bullet in life, Shaun isn’t like that. He looks for business opportunities that will help us get to where we want to go but also understands that hard work and commitment is what separates people who succeed from the people who don’t.

Sometimes we take the Food Trailer down to the football game where people love hot food while watching their kids play a sport. We’ve also hired ourselves and our Food Trailer out at parties and events.

What we love most about this is we can do it in our own time wherever we want. If we don’t feel like taking our Food Trailer out, we’re under no pressure from an employer to meet any sales targets or anything else.”

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Families who want to earn extra cash like Steve & Julie

Why? Because they want to provide a better life for themselves and their family without leaving their full-time job

As much as we love our full-time jobs there’s never enough money to really enjoy the things we want to do while planning for the future.

So we decided to buy a Food Trailer as a part time business and income and it’s working great! We tend to make an adventure out of it with the boys for a few hours over the weekend.

What we like most about our Food Trailer is its multi-purpose use. Just last week we hired ourselves out to one of my girlfriends who’s son was having an 8th birthday party. So instead of using it as a general Food Trailer my girlfriend hired us out as a hot dog cart at the party. That was an easy $470 in profit for just a few hours’ work. We love it, it’s easy, makes money and gives us something of our own without breaking the budget or intruding on our time.

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Yes, I am interested in a Food Trailer King food trailer but would like to know more. Please give me access to more information including an information package and video that explains how much money I can make with my very own Food Trailer, plus if I like, an option to register for the information package to be posted to me (Registration for posted package is on the next page after you register here).

People who want to escape their job to start their own business like Hector

Why? I always wanted a business of my own where I call the shots and I hated my current job. I love food too so when I saw Food Trailer Kinig I went for it and haven’t looked back since

I love it. Making money when I want, where I want. To be honest I work really hard but I love meeting people and there is no better way to do that than over food.

Some of the ways I make money and build my own Food Trailer business include hiring out my trailer at business networking events. I also have a deal with a local service station where I set up there and sell food to their customers and I do a lot of parties as well.

With the kids parties I get hired to do, I sell hot dogs and fairy floss and at the adult parties I mainly use it for selling hot food and themed food to go with the party theme.

In the next six months, I plan on buying a second Food Trailer as well so my son can get in on this. That way I can service more people and areas and sell more food, hot dogs and fairy floss to more people. Best thing I’ve ever done!

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Retirees Like Ross and Belinda

Why? Most couples we know who’ve retired recently want to play golf, play cards, sit around at home and watch the world go by. Fair enough, it’s just that Ross and I don’t.

When we retired we wanted to keep active. After all, we’re only 62, fit and healthy but we also believe that if you sit around and do nothing all day that is when disease sets in.

And we’re not rich by any means but buying a Food Trailer from Food Trailer King has been fun and exciting. A lot of the time we’ll take it down to our group meetings in the park with our other retired friends and sell food there all day.

Other times we take it to our local football, hockey and other sporting venues and sell food there and people love it.

Like most retirees, we’re on a budget and we did a hell of a lot of research and found some great Food Trailer suppliers and some that were not so great. We’ve had ours for a few years now and it’s still in tip top shape which is fabulous.

Long story short, we’ve had some great times, met some great people and earnt quite a bit of extra cash selling food using our Food Trailer and we wouldn’t change it for the world.

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Yes, I am interested in a Food Trailer King Food Trailer but would like to know more. Please give me access to more information including an information package and video that explains how much money I can make with my very own food trailer, plus if I like, an option to register for the information package to be posted to me (Registration for posted package is on the next page after you register here).

Corporate Businesses Such As Jake’s

Why? I bought one for my business because I’m sick of my staff leaving work to go and get take out food and getting back to work late. When you employ 50 people and everyone gets back late that really affects productivity.

I admit it. The more my staff leave the premises during their workday the more likely many of them get back to work late so I needed a way to reduce this problem.

So I bought two Food Trailers and have them at work so my staff can get food whenever they want without leaving the office premises.

I was really surprised too. Not only have I reduced the number of staff leaving the office each day and getting back late but this has increased morale, productivity and improved the staff working conditions so everyone is happy. Highly recommend.

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Construction and Development Sites

Why? Getting your hands on great food on a construction site is virtually impossible unless you get in the car and drive somewhere. So we bought three Food Trailers to service the staff on 3 of our development projects and couldn’t be happier.

As a developer time is money and if you’ve ever bought food off of one of those snack trucks you’ll know not all food is created equal, especially when they charge you top dollar and it tastes like soap!

Being on site for up to 12 months or longer we decided to purchase a few Food Trailers of our own and all the crew love it. We have a person who operates it for us, but we pay for all the supplies and charge the crew half of what it costs them in a shop.

The guys love having fresh food on site, love the price and that we’ve done this for them and to me that’s good business, great for productivity and morale.

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Events & Function Management Services

Why? We used to contract out to have food stalls at our events but over time, it was eating into our profits

Putting together an event is no easy feat. There’s the budget, toilets, stages and food that tastes great is a big part of that. In previous times, we used to contract our food stall operations out however after looking at the numbers it wasn’t proving profitable.

So after doing some research on Food Trailers we came across the Food Trailer King and found their product to be the best for what we needed. Not only can we use the same cart for food and drinks, they’re built to last and Food Trailer King was fantastic to deal with.

First, we started with two Food Trailers but these days we have 10 Food Trailers which we use at events all over the East Coast of Australia. It’s a great way to build your business because the trailers are affordable, durable and practical and has given us years of hassle free service.

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Yes, I am interested in a Food Trailer King food trailer but would like to know more. Please give me access to more information including an information package and video that explains how much money I can make with my very own food trailer, plus if I like, an option to register the information package to be posted to me (Registration for posted package is on next page after you register here).